Relaxation Techniques - Exercises

Exercise regularly is a good way to reduce stress. Apart from the main exercise, there are warm up and cool down exercises. They are equally important and the intensity of these exercises is lower. These exercises usually stretch all parts of the body. Main exercise consists of walking, taichi, swimming, aqua dynamics, bicycling, jogging and aerobic dance. Regular exercise can reduce stress, maintain physical fitness, prevent heart disease, high blood pressure and improve quality of life.

Warm Up Exercise

(a) Stretch your neck by looking to the left, looking to the right, and then forward. Hold each posture for 10 seconds.
(b) Slightly push your head backward, forward, to the left and to the right. Hold each posture for 10 seconds. Do the whole routine for 3 times.
(c) Lift up your shoulders, relax them and drop them down. Hold each posture for 10 seconds.
(d) Put your left arm straight before your chest, use your right arm to keep it closer to your chest. Stretch the back of your left shoulder and hold it for 10 seconds. Change your position. Do it for 3 times.
(e) Stand up and stretch your arms up. Hold it for 10 seconds.
(f) Keep a crawl posture, look down with your head, and bend your back upwards. Hold it for 10 seconds.
(g) Keep a crawl posture, look up with your head, and bend your back downwards. Hold it for 10 seconds.
(h) Sit down with your legs straight on the floor, hold your hands straight and forward until they touch your toes. Hold it for 10 seconds.
(i) Split your legs apart, keep up left legs straight, but bend your right leg. Put hands on the right knee, and stretch the interior side of your left leg. Hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
(j) Hold your left leg straight, keep your toes pointing upwards, lean forward and stretch your thigh and calf. Change to the right leg. Hold each posture for 10 seconds. Do the whole process for 3 times. Repeat on the other side.
(k) Bend your knee and sit on the floor, push your knee down, stretch your thigh muscle. Hold it for 10 seconds.
(l) Use your left hand to push the wall, use your right hand to hold your left leg, stretch your thigh fore-muscle and hold for 10 seconds. Change your position. Do it for 3 times.

(m) Use your hands to push the wall. Slightly bend your left leg and step forward. Keep your right leg straight at the back. Stretch your right calf muscle and hold for 10 seconds. Change your position. Do it for 3 times.

Main Exercises:

The examples of main exercise are the followings:

  1. Walking
  2. Walking is the simplest and most convenient exercise. We can walk in everywhere in our daily life. For examples, before or after our work, we can get off the bus at a bus-stop in advance and take a walk.

    While walking, we have to keep our body straight, looking forwards, let your hands swing naturally according to the body movement. It is good to wear sports shoes in order to prevent the stress caused in the backbones and lower parts of the body.

  3. Taichi
  4. Taichi emphases on the control of breathe and the relaxation of the exercisers. Although the pace of body movement is slow, it can relieve our stress.

    While practising taichi, we have to keep our emphasized knees and toes pointing at the same direction because this can prevent the knees from being hurt.

  5. Swimming
  6. Before swimming, we have to carry out sufficient warm up exercises. While swimming, we have to keep a right position. The benefit of swimming is to let the body supported by water and hence to reduce the opportunities of injuries.

  7. Aqua Dynamics
  8. Like swimming, aqua dynamics has the benefit of water support and lower injury opportunities. Apart from this, when we move faster in the water, the resistance power of the water will be larger; when we move slower, the resistance power will be smaller and become a pushing force. Therefore, we have to adjust our pace of movement in the water according to our ability. This can further train our muscles.

    The suitable water depth is approximately at our neck when we are standing in the water. It is better at the chest for those who do not know how to swim. To balance our body in the water, we have to put our foots slightly apart, or to hold the handle tightly. If we have companions, we can hold hands in hands and support each other.

  9. Bicycling
  10. When riding a bicycle, we have to adjust the height of the seat.

    Bicycling Posture
    Seat height
    too high
    too low
    Handlebar adjustment
    too far backward too far forward

    It is better to sit on the bicycle and check whether our knees are slightly bent when we have put our feet on the pads.This can avoid hurting the knees. It is not advisable for those who have problems with their knees to have bicycling as their main exercise.

    Apart from this, we have to adjust the position of the bicycle handle. The suggested position is that when we are holding the handle, our body is slightly leaning forwards and we feel comfortable.

  11. Jogging
  12. When jogging, we can use our mouth to breathe, looking forwards, do not hold our teeth tight. We can put our hands besides our body, moving forwards and backwards, not side by side. The angle of the arms is 90C. We have to relax our fingers, keep our body straight, and keep a comfortable pace. Use the heels to touch the ground and use the toes to leave the ground.

  13. Aerobic Exercise

    Listen to the music, jump with your legs: lift up and bend your left leg, keep your right leg straight and touch the ground with your toes. Swing your arms from left to right in front of your chest.



    Listen to the music, jump with your legs: lift up and bend your left leg, keep your right leg straight and touch the ground with your toes. Swing your arms up and down on the sides of your body.

    We have to adjust our exercise intensity according to our physical fitness level. Avoid exercising the same group of joints or muscles for a long period of time and avoid bending the waist and knees extensively in order to reduce the risk of injuries.

  14. Weight Training

    (a) Sit on a chair, lift up your right leg, then left leg, for ten to fifteen times.
    (b) Stand up at the back of a chair, hold on the chair-back, lift up your left leg for ten to fifteen times, and then right leg.
    (c) Stand up at the back of a chair, hold on the chair-back, lift up and down your heels.
    (d) Keep your arms parallel to your shoulders, bend your elbow and hold up the dumbbell. Do it step by step from left to right arms.
    (e) Keep your arms straight, hold up your dumbbells up and down on both sides.






Benefits of Exercises

Physiological aspects: It can increase blood circulation, oxygen exhaustion and excretion of body waste, and raise body temperature, speed up metabolism. People who often perform exercises have better health, sweet sleep, have greater lungs capacity, strong adaptability and satisfactory lives.
Psychological aspects: It can make people feel comfortable, be more optimistic, have stronger self-image and lower tension.

Principals of Exercises:

- At least three times per week. Daily exercise is recommended.
- Twenty to sixty minutes per time, be persistence

To determine exercise intensity, we should know Exercise Heart Rate. The calculation of exercise Heart Rate is the followings:
220-Age = Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)
MHR- Resting Heart Rate (RHR) = Working Heart Rate (WHR)
WHR x 0.5 + RHR = Threshold of training heart rate
WHR x 0.75 + RHR = Upper limit for target heart rate zone


For example, if Mr. Wong is 30 years old, his resting heart rate is 70 beats per minute. Therefore, his exercise heart rate is as follows:
Maximum Heart Rate: 220-30 = 190
Working Heart Rate: 190-70 = 120
His lowest exercise heart rate: 120 x 0.5 + 70 = 130
His highest exercise heart rate: 120 x 0.75 + 70 = 160
He should exercise so that his exercise heart rate is between 130 - 160 beats per minute.

Perception: - Unsuitable and excessive exercise can cause injuries, therefore, exercise intensity has to adjust according to our physical status.

Dos and Don'ts:

  1. People who have diabetes, psychological problems, high or low blood pressure, anemia, kidney disease, liver problems, heart diseases, dysfunctional cardiovascular system, obesity and taking drugs, need to seek advice from physicians before starting the exercise program.
  2. Drink more water before and after exercise, we can drink water during exercise if necessary.
  3. Use appropriate equipment in order to reduce injuries.
  4. If we are performing outdoor exercise, we have to wear suitable clothing according to the weather. For example, in summer, we can wear light-colored clothing and cap; in winter, we can wear dark-colored, multi-layered clothing and wool cap, and take them off after our body becomes warm.
  5. Don't hold our breath during exercises, otherwise, our body cannot be relaxed.
