Stress Intervention: InterpersonalAsserting ourselves means feel free to express us and satisfy our own needs. Try to feel good about this without at the expense of the others. If we do not assert ourselves, we will deny and sacrifice our own needs in order to satisfy someone else's. At the other extreme situation, we will perform aggressively, i.e. to seek to dominate others, and even to satisfy our own needs at the expense of others. Let's take the following as an illustration: Jack, a friend of you, invite you to play football with him because he cannot form a football team without your presence. However, you are not interested in it. You want to put more time and effort on your swimming practices. In this situation, what will you do?
To express ourselves assertively, both verbal and non-verbal techniques are equally important.
- Describe the situation and person encountered clearly - Express our feeling - Identify the respective changes and the following consequences specifically (ii) Non-verbal assertiveness - Stand straight and maintain eye contact with the person when speaking - Speak clearly, fluently, loudly, with assurance and confidence Communication skills can help people to get along better with family, friends, and co-workers, with the result of being less stress. To improve communication skills, we have to pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal communication. (i) Verbal communication
(ii) Nonverbal communication Body languages and facial expressions, e.g. a smile, an eye contact, a hug, etc., are good ways to communicate different information, especially when we find it difficult to express our thoughts and feelings verbally.
Everybody have different background, and different points of view. Therefore, conflicts are likely to happen. However, conflict can become a stressor. If we can resolve conflicts effectively, our interpersonal relationship will be improved. This improvement will result in lesser stress and better health. There are simple procedures to resolve interpersonal conflicts:
The hypothesis behind social support networking is that "significant others help an individual mobilize his/her psychological resources and master his/her emotional burdens; they share his/her tasks, and they provides him/her with extra supplies of money, materials, tools, skills, and cognitive guidance to improve his/her handling of the situation". (Greenberg, 1999, p106). That means, when we can find somebody (family members, friends or lovers) to let us feel a sense of being loved and accepted, we can feel better, can deal with our stressors, and reduce the negative consequences of stressors. To develop a social support network, we have to be self-confident and open. Try to take care of the others and develop a sense a commitment. Don't be afraid of the embarrassment and ridicule caused by being rejected. Don't fear that we are unable to be intimate, caring, and loving. If we can develop a successful social support network, it can enhance our ability to face stress.
(E) Perception Intervention Everything has a positive side and a negative side. However, we often focus on one side and ignore the other, and thus raising our stress level. Actually, we are free to choose what to think and what to focus. Therefore, we have to learn to think comprehensively and critically. In addition, it is important to be positive. If we have negative thoughts, we need to use thought stopping and to re-organize our thinking in order to reduce the stress level. Humors can be used in stressful situations because it can moderate stressful atmosphere and reduce the negative consequences resulted from stress. 'Time is life. It is irreversible and irreplaceable. To waste your time is to waste our life, but to master our life can make the most of it' (AlanLaken, 1973). There is twenty-four hours a day, some people often claim that time is not enough while some people often claim that time is too excessive. If we can manage our time properly, don't rush and don't waste time, it can eliminate putting ourselves in stressful situations. The followings are some time management skills: